The Use of Restraints in Mental Health Facilities
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Published: 11 June 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
The restraint has been explained as making someone do something they don’t want to do or stopping someone doing something they want to do. Three types of restraining are physical, chemical, mechanical, the purpose of restraining is to be proactive in preventing difficult situations arising and to use their skills to de-escalate situations that do arise. You should use an alternative method such as a partnership with the patient. The Approach of Restraining as you should be assessed, monitored and reevaluated of patient condition, Restraints may need to be applied one at a time while the other extremities are held down. You should follow the general recommendation debriefing method and other methods to protect patients from a complication of restraining.

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How to Cite
Mamoon H. Zboun, Mohammad S. Marzouq. (2020-06-11). "The Use of Restraints in Mental Health Facilities." *Volume 3*, 2, 4-9